Music|Films |Books
Ade Nima - Impressions (Short Film)
"Ali Finds Her Voice" is a heartwarming children's story that follows the journey of a brave and imaginative young girl named Ali, who happens to have an exceptionality. Despite her challenges, Ali's spirit and determination shine bright as she embarks on her adventures with her brother Joseph, which teaches her valuable life lessons and inspires young readers.
Ali is a beautiful and creative 8-year-old girl who uses gestures and sound to speak to her family and friends. She lives in a cozy little house with her loving parents and her brother, Joseph. One day, while playing with her brother, Ali discovers a mysterious map buried in the ground. With Joseph by her side, they go searching for the toy chest and meet a talking parrot and the tree of Eden.
"Conversations: An Outflow of the Heart" creatively merges the world of poetry with practical guidance for personal growth and self-improvement. The author blends the artistry of language with insightful wisdom, this book offers readers a fresh and engaging approach to navigating life's challenges and fostering self-awareness. It serves as a guide for individuals seeking personal growth, emotional healing, and a deeper connection with themselves. This book empowers readers to embrace their vulnerabilities, discover their strengths, and embark on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.